What Should Be in Your Emergency Prom Dress Kit

So once you know what you need to do in order to put together your emergency prom dress kit, you now have to start putting things in the kit. The question is—what should you definitely have in your emergency prom dresses kit? What types of material are appropriate for formal dresses through short dresses and other prom dresses? Well, here are a few pointers:

Have masking tape. The reason is that is helps to pick up fibers very well without damaging the fabric. In case you are in need of a bandaid (blisters anyone? Yeotch.), you can also use the masking tape in order to tape the back of your heel to prevent further irritation. You can use it on your prom dresses to help hold something together temporarily until you get home. Since it won’t irritate your skin, it’s perfect for using on the inside of your dress. You should also keep a bit of club soda on you. You never know when someone might stumble and spill a drink or food and you should be able to get it off as soon as possible without leaving it to set.
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You may also want to carry a small sewing kit with you, a few safety pins, and perhaps a few other things, such as nail glue if you have your nails done or an extra pair of flat shoes for once you finish dancing.

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