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Body Care
Facts & thoughts

If I don’t choose the right exercise and diet for me, nothing will change!
Nonsense. Almost all diets, and certianly all exercises, have the same effect over time. The trick is to keep doing them over time until the effects begin to show.

I can just do a little exercise each day, as long as it’s sustained over time.
Yes and no. Yes, because you really can do a little exercise everyday, and this will be more beneficial than no exercise at all. But no, because if you really want to shape up, then you have to start by doing a lot of exercise over time until you reach your target physical state. Only then can you cut back just enough to maintain your peak target state, without either losing it, or improving upon it.

I need a quick fix diet and exercise set.
Nonsense! There’s no such thing as a quick fix diet or quick fix exercises that will make you look great in a week. All diets and exercises take time to work.

It’ll take forever for the effects to really show.
No. Any sustained exercise and diet routine takes on average a month for the effects to really, really show. That’s why the people who announce the fitness equipment on TV always tell you that you’ll see effects in thirty days if you use their stuff, or your money back (they also mention in the fine print that for effects to show, you must keep up your exercise and diet routine for those entire thirty days).

At the end of the a month I’ll suddenly be fit.
No, because the effects of exercies and diet don’t show up all at once at the end of thirty days. They show up gradually. As early as two weeks into your routine, you will already notice some differences. Moreover, the main difference that you will notice is that you suddenly have much more energy, are thinking more clearly, and are generally happier about everything.

This positive change in my thoughts and feelings is caused by the exercise and diet.
Yes and no. Yes, because as your body gets strengthened through exercise and your system gets cleaner through dieting, your body responds better, which in turn affects your mind so that it too responds better. No, because you’re getting this great feeling from actually taking control of yourself, that is, by sticking to your exercise and diet routine, which is in turn providing you with a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

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