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Sometimes it's hard to believe the things people do. It's even harder to keep from judging their actions by one's own standards of morality. Is it right or wrong? Who's to say. Maybe the two couples in the story below are wrong not merely for their actions, but for their obvious delight in them--but I don't know if (I, at least) can make that judgement.
From Gwen in (sorry, can't tell you), NY My junior prom was the night I lost my virginity. It started out great, I went with this hot and sweet guy name Jon. We dance unil twelve and then he asked me if I wanted to go back to his empty house. I knew what was coming and I was fine with it cuz I was in love. We went up to his room and talked and made out. (He is a great kisser) After an hour my best friend and her boyfriend came up. There are 2 beds in his room so we each took one. I gave him head and we fooled around and had sex. Then my friend and I started fooling around. Eventually we were both naked and kissing while our boyfriends watched. Then they got turned on and we had a foursome. I know how gross you may think this is but it isn't. It was the greatest and most pleasurable night of my life. Oh, and me and Jon are still dating and quite in love. We continue to have sex all the time. Sometimes for fun we have foursomes again too.
Reader Comments About this Story:
first of all a girl having sex with another girl doesn't make you a lesbien. i think what you did was great and i would do the same thing to. my boyfriend likes it when two girls get it on. -- Bess, 17, AZ
I don't think you're a slut or a whore. What you did was your parogative. No one has the right to call you a Bitch for that. I probably wouldn't do those things, but its seems like you have fun. My advice: Don't make that a habit and try to be very careful!!! -- Shanell, 18, Roxboro NC
It might have been the prom, but that is nasty. -- Kieke, 16, Halifax VA
I don't think you're sick at all. What you do on your own time is completely up to you. Personally I wouldn't play with my friend and then tell the world, things like that I'd keep to myself, but that's not saying you did anything wrong. If you had fun, more power to ya. -- Sam, IA
Its really none of my business to judge you but i think that one day your gonna look back on prom night and feel very ashamed. One day you might meet someone you are very much in love with, but sex won't seem special. Sex is meant to be shared between a man and a woman in the bonds of marriage. The way you act is like an animal, but i hope one day u can gain back your dignity. -- Kendall, 18, Salem VA
I really feel sorry for you, and for all of the people that think that what you did is ok. I am a Christian, and yes, God said that sex before marraige is wrong. It doesn't matter if you think your in love. That doesn't justify what you've done. My heart goes out to you, because it hurts me to see you and others not care about things like that. I am 17 and I am a virgin. I have had several serious relationships, and it is possible to not have sex when your with someone! You can love someone and not have sex with them. I can do this because I have made a commitment to God, my future husband, and myself. Phillipians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I can handle not having sex because I have God to help me through struggles I have. I hope that some of you will take this to heart and repent. Turn to God. You will never be truly happy unless you do. Remeber, Jesus loves you. He died for you.You are worth sooo much to Him! Just let him into your life! God Bless, Christy. -- Christy, 17, FL
I really think that you are kinda gross for even wanting people to know about this whole fiasco, let alone actually doing this stuff!! If you only knew how much of a cheap whore you sounded like talking about that stuff! And anyway, what you do is your business and no one else's! You must be real popular with the guys in your local area because you sound like a skank! I just really feel that girls should learn to have more respect for themselves and their bodies because do you really think that any man (or woman, whatever your case may be! Who knows!!!) is going to want to marry you after knowing how many other partners you've had?! I really feel sorry for you becuase obviously you have no respect for yourself or your body! And by me saying all of this it doesn't mean that I am a little "church girl", as one of the other girls said, it fust means that I have respect for myself and i have enough common sense to know better thatn to do stupid sh** like that!!! You really shouldn't take sex so lightly because one of these days you will end up having to suffer all the consequences of your action! You really should consider your future!! -- Andrea, New Paris OH
Your boyfriend is cool with that? He must be as sick as you. I know I wouldn't want another guy touching my girlfriend, even if I was there. you're both sick. -- Rich, 19, Scranton PA
there's nothing wrong with experimenting. I have thought about it myself, but never did though. life is short, live it like there is no tomorrow, who gives a damn what everybody else thinks? it's not anyone's decision but yours what you do with your body p.s. you rock for having the guts to put this story on the net -- Melodie, 18, Monroe MI
I would like to point out to everyone that number one: most people don't make it until they are married to lose their virginity or have sex. It is rarely done. Number two: it is her life. If she decides to sleep with a female or have foursomes with her boyfriend it is her choice. She has to live with it, and if someone doesn't like the idea or thinks it is gross, then poo on you. She isn't asking you all to do the same thing. Number three: Okay, I will admit that her idea of fun is a little out there...and that it might not be the best idea in the world because of the chances of spreading a disease one of the four in that group might have ...but there are people that are bisexual, and are willing to express that with willing parties; that guys in general love the idea of lesbianism. A fact: lesbian and gay brains are physically different from the average brain. There is nothing wrong with these people in there thought processes or anything, they just have a liking for people of the same gender. This liking of the same gender can be in degrees, and the middle is being bisexual. Would God create us to be as such, then tell these people he made, "oops. I kind of made you one way...but it's wrong so I want you to fight all that you know to be true and be like everyone else. Hell, there are gays in the church too. Lastly, I would like to point out to everyone that we are first and foremost animals physically. Once the bounderies set by society are pushed away, the animals in people sometimes comes out. It is known thoughout science and generally accepted that humans were at one time very permiscuous. They slept around, and procreated. The choice was hers to make as to what she wanted to do. Whether or not everyone approves was most likely not on her mind, and I bet she is just laughing at some of you nieve fools. I am at least. By senior year most guys are duh not virgins, and while there are most gal virgins then guys by this time, they are still far between. I figure that as long as you love the guy or girl or both and trust them as well as be safe, then there is no problem. Just make sure you are emotionally ready to deal with any consiquences. Sex in junior high is pretty illegal, but if they are consenting adults by law, then I say let them do what they want. So long as I don't have to see it I am happy, and just remember that there are people out there that are not intimidated by people knowing what they do. Even if they tell the story, that doesn't mean they are asking you to do it. Nicole, 18
~That is good for you! It dosn't matter what others say,cuz its up to you. Not us to decide! Right now I'm deciding for my junior prom...but not ganna lose my virginity yet. Until at least when I want to...maybe at the age 18...right now I'm 14.~<80) <3 <3 -- Sherry, 14, Jackson Heights NY
Alrighty you are a f---ing slut. This is the saddest s--- I have ever heard of. You are one nasty whore that u post up your prom gay f--- fest. The guys u f---ed are probably two flamin fags and banged each other. You are such a f---ing loser u big slut. if i ever knew u went ot my school i would make fun of u and ur fag boyfriends all day. Ur probably one fat hoe too. U love your rolls get f---ed by fags. U slut. -- Billy Bob, San Diego CA
that is so cool go for it messing around with your own sex is the only way to find out what you really want more power to you. -- Jenny, 17, Houston TX
I think that whatever you do is totally up to you. Don't ever care about what anybody says about you. As long as your happy with yourself~-YOU GO GIRL-~ JULIA, Nashville TN
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